About Us
Here at Tafof Kathemne- Sierra Leone and The Gambia, we are driven to do our part in making the world a better place. Since 2021, we have taken part in a wide range of activities that empower individuals and communities. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Are you ready to join us and create real transformation in the lives of so many?
They are educators
Education is very important to every community as it ensures the younger people have equal opportunities to develop themselves. It also ensures that they stay away from social vices that are as a result of ignorance and poverty. The role of women in community development as educators cannot be doubted. They give the members of the community the much needed basic education starting at home when they teach young children as the mothers have more time with younger children, to education in schools where they are teachers.
Education is the key to any nation’s growth but before a nation grows, development starts from the communities that make up this nation. Their role leads to agricultural productivity improvement, it helps in raising the status of the girl child, reduction of rapid population growth, environmental protection, among others.
Their role in the workforce
In today’s society, more and more women are contributing to the family’s earnings. Women work in both formal and informal environments in order to earn daily bread for their families. This participation of women can transform a whole community. They do face a lot of challenges because they are often seen as the weaker gender, but they have in many ways proven that they can handle such challenges and prove the ones who lack faith in them wrong. In today’s communities, women are entrepreneurs so they give jobs to others other than just being employed in both the formal and informal sectors. Their role in community development has therefore expanded to a great extent in recent times.
Their role as role models and caretakers
Another role of women in community development is that of caretakers and role models. They are undoubtedly caretakers to young children and often take the lead in helping the family adapt to different changing circumstances. Because of the fact that they are tasked with caretaking of both children and even the elderly, they play a big role in serving as role models of these children. Every single thing they do is seen by these little ones in the community.
They also have the teenagers and younger ladies looking up to them and watching their behavior. It is for this reason that they often do their best to set a good example for the children, younger women and sometimes even young men in the community. When the younger people in the community have people they can look up to, the community will always remain hopeful for a better future.
Their role as leaders
In the past, leadership positions were simply set aside for the men. Thankfully, that has in recent years changed and now women play a role in community development serving in leadership positions. Due to a woman’s attachment to the family setting, they are able to apply what they see in the home to the areas in which they serve as leaders. They are more sensitive to the people they govern or head and pay more attention to them. Because of this, they are able to help people more and bring about the much needed development in a community.
Their role as volunteers
Due to their sensitive nature to the plight of others and their ability to empathize as opposed to just sympathizing, women play a role in community development by serving as volunteers. They often set aside some of their time to give a helping hand to the less fortunate in different ways. They volunteer in schools, orphanages, churches, mosques, farms, among other places which leads to community development.
Their role as activists
Women also play a big role in fighting for the rights of the members of the community. Although in the past they were viewed as weak, women have come a long way in proving their strength in different ways and on different platforms. Their participation on the forefront when it comes to fighting for equality in terms of pay and opportunities leads to community development.
We hope you have learnt a bit more on the role of the women in community development. The women you see around you play a big part in your community’s development and you as a person should recognize and appreciate them for that.
In case of any more questions regarding community development, contact us at Tafof Kathemne- and we will gladly help you out.
What We Do
Meaningful Work
Local Empowerment
Making Self Reliance Possible
Feeling like there are countless pressing issues that no single program could make a marked difference? Our Local Empowerment initiative has proven to be a powerful tool for Tafof Kathemne- SL to successfully serve our community and improve countless lives. Motivating our women in bringing them to a clearer future of adult education programs makes us go beyond the normal capacity of encapacitation. We strive hard to make basic read-write education a must.
Capacity Building
Change for the Better
Through our Capacity Building program, we have the potential to make real and positive change. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Tafof Kathemne- SL, and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organization. the need for building youth personality, behavioral change, proactiveness and character building is a key principle we always engaged our youths with.
Local Empowerment
Making Communities look better
Well, after talking about how corporates can participate in volunteering without having to set aside too much time, today we will touch on the role of women in community development.
Women play a big role in the sustainability of any community. Unfortunately, for so many years their importance has been overlooked. However, that has been changing due to the empowerment of women in the community as part of the community development process. Nowadays, more and more people are starting to appreciate that while they are often tasked with just household roles, they can do a lot more.
So here are some roles of women in community development.
Engaging Women who were willing to join in road work and took part in other productive activities reported improved self-esteem, enhanced confidence, and increased aspirations
Industrialized Education
Technology is key possibility to self empowerment
Industrial technology program graduates obtain a majority of positions which are applied engineering and/or management oriented. Since "industrial technologist" is not a common job title global, the actual bachelor's degree or associate degree earned by the individual is obscured by the job title he/she receives. Typical job titles for industrial technologists having a bachelor's degree include quality systems engineer, manufacturing engineer, industrial engineer, plant manager, production supervisor.
Community Accessibility Project
Making Access Possible
Feeling like there are countless pressing issues that no single program could make a marked difference? Our Local community road accessibility initiatives will prove to be a powerful tool for Tafof Kathemne- SL to successfully serve our community and improve countless lives. We are young and vibrant team of dedicated individuals who want to make positive sustainable change.
Children's Educational Capacity Boost
Educate self for the Better
You see, you just have to give children the opportunity to express, and they will overwhelm you with their responses. Probe a little more by asking ‘Why?’ and they will surprise you by telling the precise reason behind their aspiration. And I bet it is the same with every child. It is not enough to just know about their aspirations. As adults, we need to give an environment, an opportunity where children can live their childhood, explore their interests, learn and experiment, and hone their skills to achieve their goals. In one word, we have to ‘empower’ them. By definition, empower means to make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. Tafof Kathemne-SL takes on all these endeavours.
In the News
We work hard to get our efforts noticed by our sponsors, the media, and are so proud when this goal comes to fruition. Take a look at some of our latest coverage and help spread the word about all the amazing developments at Tafof Kathemne- SL & GAM.
Interview with Tafof Kathemne- SL Director
October 20, 2022
Tafof Kathemne- SL: Dedication and Service with Proven Impact
December 12, 2021
Lessons Learned: The Key to Non-Profit Program Evaluation
January 22, 2022
Tafof Kathemne - SL encourages Charity Organizations, Sponsors , Individuals and site visitors to make a donation today by providing additional as we embarked on community development, Youth Empowerment, girl child advocacy, adult education and the mobilisation of members making sure your contributions can help us achieve our ultimate goals.
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Contact Us
Rotifunk, Lungi, Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom, Port Loko, Port Loko District/ Bakoteh, Kanifing Municipal The Gambia